Introducing Ultra-Small Sapphire Optical Windows for High-Speed Optical Communication Modules

We are excited to announce the release of our ultra-small sapphire optical window, with a diameter typically less than 2mm. This innovative product is ideal for high-speed optical communication, used in 4G, 5G optical networks, including 10G/25G/40G/100G/200G/400G TOSA (Transmitter Optical Sub-Assembly) and ROSA (Receiver Optical Sub-Assembly) modules.

Key Features:

  • Durable Hermetic Sealing1 * 10^-9 cc/sec
  • High-Temperature ResistanceAuSn and AuGe solders450°C for 10 minutes
  • Customizable Optical TransmittanceT≥98%@1250~1650nmMIL-PRF-13830B 40/2010/5
  • Enhanced Concentricity for Precise Welding0.05mm


  • Substrate Material
  • Optical Parameters
  • Surface Quality
  • Metallization Layer
  • Metallization Pattern Concentricity
This cutting-edge sapphire optical window is designed to meet the growing demands of high-speed optical communication, ensuring optimal performance and durability.
Contact us today to learn more about how this product can enhance your TOSA/ROSA optical module designs.
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